Our History
- ODATA is founded by Patria Investments (NASDAQ:PAX), the largest alternative asset manager in Latin America.
- Brazil’s startup team in place.
- Land acquisition for the construction of DC SP01, in Santana de Parnaíba, in the state of São Paulo
- Begin construction of phase one of DC SP01
- Startup of DC SP01.
- Colombia’s startup team in place.
- Land acquisition for the construction of DC B01 in the Metropolitan Free Trade Zone, in Bogota, Colombia.
- Begin construction of DC BG01.
- Strategic partnership with CyrusOne (NASDAQ: CONE), the third largest Data Center in the world, with more than 45 Data Centers in operation.
- Startup of DC BG01.
- Contruction of the first 8 MW of the DC SP02, in Hortolância (SP).
- Startup of DC SP02.
- Strategic partnership with T-Systems for DC SP03, located in Barueri (SP).
- Development of phase 3 of DC SP01, dedicated to a large cloud provider.
- Development of phase 2 of DC BG01.
- Development of phase 1B of DC SP01, dedicated to two hyperscaler clients.
- Startup teams in Mexico and Chile in place.
- Land acquisition for the Data Center campus of QR01 in the Queretáro region, Mexico.
- Land acquisition for the Data Center campus of ST01, in Santiago, Chile.
- Data Center RJ01, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Beginning of the expansion into Chile and Mexico with the construction of phase 1 of DC QR01.
- IFC (International Finance Corporation) long-term financing - the first funding transaction of the bank to the Data Centers sector.
- Received the Environmental Impact License (DIA) for the 28 MW campus in Santiago, Chile
- Expansion of phase 2 of DC SP02.
- Expansion of phases 2 and 3 of DC BG01.
- Expansion of phase 2A of DC SP01, dedicated to two hyperscaler clients.
- DC SP02 8MW expansion leased to a CSP.
- Beginning of operations of DC QR01 & ST01.
- Start of construction of DC RJ01.
- Land acquisition for Data Center Campus QR02 in Queretaro
- Start of construction of the second data center in Chile - DC ST02
- Land acquisition for two Data Centers Campuses in Bogota (DC BG02 and DC BG03)
- IFC long term financing for Mexico
- Expansion of phase 3 on Data Center SP02
- Expanding in Americas – acquired by Aligned Data Centers
- Expansion of phase 2 - Data Center QR01
- Expansion of phase 2 - Data Center ST01
- Start of construction of the second data center in Mexico - DC QR02
- Expansion of phase 4 on Data Center SP02
- Aligned Data Centers investment in Qscale – Canadá
Energy / Natural Resources
Finance, Banking and Insurance
Oil & Gas
Technology and IT Providers
Learn More about Aligned Data Centers
- Aligned Data Centers is a leading technology infrastructure company offering innovative, sustainable, and adaptive Scale Data Centers and Build-to-Scale solutions for global hyperscale and enterprise customers across the Americas. Our intelligent infrastructure allows densification and vertical growth within the same footprint, enabling customers to scale up without disruption, all while maintaining industry-leading Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE). By reducing the energy, water and space needed to operate, our data center solutions, combined with our patented cooling technology, offer businesses a competitive advantage by improving sustainability, reliability, and their bottom line.